Monday, February 22, 2010

Pocket money for teachers at Karma Lekshey Ling, Nepal

Dear Dharma friends,

Most of the teachers at Karma Lekshey Ling Institute and School have graduated from our own Institute, are teaching and working very hard, and are receiving no gratification. It is important to have good teachers and unfortunately many teachers are experiencing financial problems. I see that it will not be possible if they spend their time seeking financial means. If good teachers spend time seeking financial means to teach abroad instead of traveling in order to teach, then the students will experience the loss and are the ones who will be deprived. So, for that, I wish to give each teacher USD 30 every month as pocket money for holding at least two classes a day, but I need your help. At the moment, there are 20 teachers in 2010.

  • 1 teacher per month 30 USD
  • 1 teacher for one year 360 USD
  • 1 month for all teachers 600 USD
  • 1 year for all teachers 7,200 USD

Thanks to you all for taking part in my projects and for your generous contributions and help so that they can be fulfilled.

May the brilliance of the three wisdoms spread.

Yours truly,

Khenpo Karma Namgyal

Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy New Year 2010

Mögen die sich manifestierenden Elemente, von ihrer Natur her das Entstehen in Abhängigkeit, als die höchsten Symbole des Heilsamen erblühen, und möge der Wohlstand der aller Lebewesen immerzu als die Pracht ihres Verdienstes, Nutzens und ihrer Freude erstrahlen! Dies ist mein Gebet!

In the elemental world of naturally established dependent-arising
The marks of virtue, blazing gloriously, are aroused.
I pray that by the brilliance of their merit and well-being
The wealth of all beings is sustained for all time.

The Venerable Chöje Lama Phuntsok